Book a retreat with us today.

At One Love Humanity, we are well known for our immersive and impactful retreats, focusing on several areas of health, wellness, and community. Our retreats are highly specialised, catering to many different communities, concentrating on current real-world challenges and ideas. Our retreats are designed to provide a sense of community and social support, as well as a sustainable sense of empowerment for groups and individuals. Our retreats are a positive opportunity for group exploration and play, encompassing meditation and mindfulness, culture and belonging, and sensory experiences including art projects, horticulture, music, food, and self-soothing. Immerse yourself in our transformative retreats, where healing, relaxation, and holistic well-being converge. Our comprehensive programs offer a diverse range of experiences that nourish the mind, body, and spirit. Explore and heal from ancestral, inter-generational, cultural, and personal traumas as you embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Build intelligence in various dimensions, cultivating physical, emotional, and behavioral awareness. Foster authentic connections and community through intentional relationship building. Reconnect with the Earth and environment, learn about financial management and entrepreneurship, and savor nourishing meals tailored to dietary needs. Engage in invigorating exercises, indulge in massage and aromatherapy, and find solace in meditation, journaling, and expressive arts. Rebalance, reassess values, and establish confidence and self-esteem. Capture your transformation with an optional photoshoot, and leave with a renewed sense of purpose and identity.

What will you experience on our retreats?

  • Healing and relaxation

  • Mondy, body, soul connection

  • Healing from ancestral, intergenerational, cultural, and personal traumas

  • Skills to build insight and emotional intelligence

  • Relationship building

  • Connection with the environment

  • Financial & entrepreneurial skills

  • Meals catered to all dietary requirements

  • Exercise

  • Massage

  • Detox

  • Juicing

  • Breath work

  • Meditation

  • Yoga

  • Journalling

  • Music

  • Dance & movement

  • Aromatherapy

  • Herbal infusions

  • Establishing connection & community

  • Re-balancing & reassessment of values

  • Team building

  • Building confidence & self-esteem

  • Establishing independence

  • Re-connection with identity

  • Boundaries

  • Mother & Father wound healing

  • Vision boarding

  • Planning for the future

  • Before and after photoshoot (optional)

Relationship Building & Intimacy

Our transformative retreat for relationship building and intimacy provides a safe and nurturing environment for couples to deepen their connection, navigate challenges, and cultivate a thriving partnership. Our comprehensive program is designed to support couples in creating a strong and sustainable relationship based on trust, open communication, and emotional intimacy.

Creating a safe container is the foundation of our retreat. We prioritise creating a space where couples feel comfortable expressing themselves authentically and vulnerably. Our skilled facilitators ensure that the retreat environment is inclusive, non-judgmental, and conducive to deepening emotional connection.

Commitment strategies and support strategies are integral to maintaining a healthy and thriving relationship. Through workshops and personalised guidance, we help couples explore effective ways to deepen their commitment and establish support systems. We provide tools and techniques to navigate life's challenges together and foster a sense of unity and partnership.

Crisis management is a critical aspect of any relationship. Our retreat addresses this by offering workshops on navigating crises, managing conflicts, and finding constructive solutions. We equip couples with conflict resolution skills, helping them transform conflicts into opportunities for growth, understanding, and deeper connection.

Rebuilding trust is a cornerstone of healing and strengthening relationships. We offer specialised workshops that guide couples through the process of rebuilding trust after breaches or betrayals. Our facilitators provide guidance on forgiveness, rebuilding emotional safety, and establishing healthy boundaries to foster trust and security.

Behavioral management focuses on recognising and addressing patterns that hinder relationship growth. Our retreat offers workshops that explore patterns of behavior, providing insights into triggers and strategies to break unhealthy cycles. Couples will learn effective strategies for behavioral change and cultivating healthier dynamics.

Building intimacy is a central theme of our retreat. Through guided exercises and activities, couples will explore various forms of intimacy, including emotional, physical, and spiritual connection. We delve into topics such as love languages, sexual compatibility, and the power of vulnerability, helping couples deepen their intimacy and create a fulfilling and passionate partnership.

Open and honest communication is key to maintaining a thriving relationship. We provide workshops on nonviolent communication and effective communication techniques, allowing couples to express their needs, desires, and concerns in a compassionate and understanding manner. Couples will learn to communicate openly and honestly, fostering a deeper understanding and connection.

Recognising and healing past pain and unconscious anxiety is vital for personal and relationship growth. Our retreat offers workshops and therapeutic approaches that help couples address unresolved issues, heal wounds, and release unconscious anxieties. Couples will gain insights and tools to overcome past traumas and build a more resilient and loving partnership.

Rituals and practices play a significant role in relationship nurturing. We incorporate rituals and practices that couples can incorporate into their daily lives to foster connection, intimacy, and appreciation. These rituals may include gratitude exercises, shared experiences, or mindfulness practices that strengthen the bond between partners.

Boundaries are essential for maintaining a healthy relationship. We explore the importance of setting and respecting boundaries, empowering couples to communicate their needs and limits with clarity and compassion. Through workshops and guided discussions, couples will establish and reinforce boundaries that support their well-being and relationship dynamics.

Our retreat for relationship building and intimacy exploration is a transformative experience designed to help couples recognize and overcome fears, gain insight into themselves and their partner, and create a deeply fulfilling partnership. Join us on this journey of growth, healing, and connection, and unlock the full potential of your relationship.

What does our relationship building & intimacy retreat focus on?

  • Creating a safe container for couples

  • Commitment strategies

  • Support strategies

  • Crisis management

  • Rebuilding trust

  • Behavioural management

  • Building intimacy

  • Love languages

  • Managing conflicts

  • Sexual compatibility

  • Open and honest communication

  • Non-violent communication

  • Forms of intimacy

  • Ritual & practice

  • Boundaries

  • Healing past pain and unconscious anxiety

  • Recognising fear

  • Building insight

United Empress

Our United Empress retreat invites women to embark on a journey of self-discovery, authenticity, and inner strength. Our carefully crafted program is designed to help you embody and explore your purpose and vision, find your voice, nurture your unique gifts, and foster sexual awareness and empowerment. We believe that true empowerment begins with a deep connection to oneself, and that includes cultivating body confidence and fostering a re-connection with your mind, body, and soul.

You will be guided by experienced facilitators who are passionate about empowering women and creating a safe, supportive environment for growth. Our diverse range of services and workshops will enable you to dive deep into various aspects of personal development, allowing you to uncover and embrace your true potential.

Embodying and exploring your purpose and vision will be a central focus of our retreat. Through guided exercises, meditation, and group discussions, you will gain clarity on your passions, values, and aspirations. Our skilled facilitators will help you identify any barriers or limiting beliefs that may be holding you back and guide you in creating an actionable plan to manifest your dreams.

Finding your voice is an essential part of the empowerment journey. We offer workshops on effective communication, public speaking, and storytelling, providing you with the tools and techniques to express yourself confidently and authentically. Whether it's speaking up in professional settings or sharing your personal experiences, you will develop the skills to make your voice heard.

Recognizing and nurturing your unique gifts is key to embracing your power. Our retreat offers workshops that encourage self-reflection, creative expression, and exploration of your talents. Through various artistic modalities such as writing, painting, or movement, you will tap into your creativity and unlock hidden potentials.

Sexual awareness and empowerment are crucial aspects of a woman's journey. Our retreat provides a safe space to explore and embrace your sexuality, foster healthy relationships, and reclaim your sensual self. Expert-led workshops will address topics such as consent, boundaries, body positivity, and self-care, allowing you to develop a healthier and more fulfilling relationship with your sexuality.

Body confidence and re-connection with your body are foundational elements of empowerment. Through yoga, dance, and body-positive workshops, you will learn to embrace and celebrate your body's uniqueness. Guided exercises will help you release body shame, enhance self-acceptance, and cultivate a deep appreciation for the incredible vessel that is your body.

At our United Empress — Women’s Empowerment retreat, we are committed to creating a transformative experience that empowers you to live a life aligned with your purpose, authenticity, and self-love. Join us on this incredible journey of self-discovery, and step into the fullness of your power as a woman.

What does United Empress focus on?

  • Empowering your unique purpose and vision

  • Establishing and learning to use your voice

  • Finding and mastering your gifts

  • Sexual awareness and empowerment

  • Body confidence

  • Re-connection with the mind, body and soul

Transform Me

Welcome to our transformation retreat, a unique opportunity to embark on a journey of self-transformation and self-expression through clothing, accessories, shopping, makeup, hair, and acts that foster self-esteem and a positive relationship with oneself. Our retreat is designed to empower you to explore and embrace your personal style, enhancing your self-confidence and celebrating your unique identity.

Clothing and accessories play a powerful role in self-expression. During the retreat, we provide guidance and support to help you curate a wardrobe that reflects your authentic self. Through personalised styling sessions, you'll discover clothing that aligns with your personality, body type, and preferences. We encourage you to embrace your individuality, experiment with different styles, and cultivate a positive body image.

Shopping experiences are integrated into the retreat to offer you the opportunity to explore new fashion trends, discover local designers, and curate a wardrobe that empowers you. Our retreat provides a curated selection of shopping destinations, personalized shopping assistance, and guidance on sustainable and ethical fashion choices.

Makeup and hair transformation sessions are available to help you explore different looks, experiment with makeup techniques, and discover hairstyles that enhance your natural beauty. Our skilled professionals will provide personalized consultations and tutorials, empowering you to express yourself authentically and confidently through your appearance.

Building self-esteem is a core focus of our transformation retreat. Through workshops, coaching sessions, and empowering activities, we provide tools and strategies to boost self-esteem and foster a positive relationship with oneself. We encourage self-care practices, positive affirmations, and self-compassion to support your journey towards greater self-acceptance and self-love.

The acts of self-expression and self-care experienced during the retreat are intended to create a transformative impact on your overall well-being. By embracing your personal style and enhancing your appearance, you'll develop a deeper connection with your authentic self and cultivate a positive self-image. This process empowers you to show up confidently in various aspects of your life and embrace a renewed sense of self.

Join us on this transformational retreat, where you'll have the opportunity to explore your personal style, revitalise your appearance, and cultivate a positive relationship with yourself. Rediscover your inner beauty, express yourself authentically, and embark on a journey of self-transformation and self-empowerment.

What does Transform Me focus on?

  • Creative experimentation

  • Personality and identity exploration

  • Building self-esteem

  • Re-connection with mind, body, and soul

  • Finding and expressing the beauty in yourself

Free Bird

Free Bird is a transformative retreat for mental health and well-being, where we provide a nurturing environment for individuals to explore self-love, self-healing, and self-awareness. Our comprehensive program integrates various therapeutic modalities, restorative practices, and opportunities for deep connection with oneself, others, and the natural world.

Self-love and self-healing are central to our retreat experience. Through workshops, guided exercises, and healing practices, we support individuals in cultivating a deep sense of self-compassion and acceptance. You will learn tools and techniques to nurture yourself, heal past wounds, and foster a greater sense of well-being and inner peace.

Awareness is a key component of personal growth and transformation. Our retreat offers opportunities for self-reflection, introspection, and increasing self-awareness. Through mindfulness practices, meditation, and journaling, you will develop a deeper understanding of your thoughts, emotions, and patterns, empowering you to make conscious choices and create positive change in your life.

We integrate evidence-based therapeutic modalities such as Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) into our retreat. Workshops and skill-building sessions provide practical tools for emotional regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness. Our trained facilitators will guide you through evidence-based techniques, empowering you to navigate life's challenges with resilience and well-being.

Rest and rejuvenation are essential components of our retreat. We recognise the importance of slowing down, disconnecting from the demands of daily life, and replenishing your energy. Our program includes ample time for relaxation, nature walks, and self-care activities, allowing you to rest and recharge in a tranquil and nurturing environment.

Storytelling is a powerful tool for self-expression and healing. Through workshops and storytelling circles, you will have the opportunity to share your own stories and listen to the stories of others. This process fosters connection, empathy, and personal growth, providing a platform for exploration, healing, and finding meaning in your experiences.

Connection with the land and people is a vital aspect of our retreat. We incorporate activities that encourage a deep connection with nature, such as guided hikes, ecotherapy practices, and land-based rituals. Group exercises and sharing circles create a sense of community and belonging, fostering meaningful connections with fellow participants.

For individuals seeking additional support, we offer optional one-on-one sessions with our treatment intervention team. These sessions can include various therapeutic approaches such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), DBT, talk therapy, and coaching. Our skilled professionals will provide personalized support tailored to your unique needs and goals, helping you navigate your healing journey with compassion and expertise.

Our Free Bird retreat is a transformative space for self-exploration, healing, and growth. Join us on this empowering journey to discover the power of self-love, reconnect with your authentic self, and cultivate a deeper sense of well-being and inner peace.

What does Free Bird focus on?

  • Self-love

  • Self-healing

  • Awareness

  • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)

  • Rest and relaxation

  • Storytelling

  • Connection with land and community

  • Learning helpful habits

Be Seen

Be Seen is filled with storytelling, play, and transformative experiences. Prepare to embark on a journey of self-discovery, unlocking your passions, purpose, creativity, and confidence. You will explore the depths of your being, unleashing your inner artist and transforming into a living work of art.

Through engaging storytelling sessions, you will connect with your personal narrative, exploring the chapters of your life that have shaped you into who you are today. These stories will serve as a foundation for self-reflection, empowering you to embrace your strengths, acknowledge your growth, and uncover your true passions and purpose.

Play is an integral part of our retreat, allowing you to tap into your innate creativity and imagination. Playful activities, games, and exercises will ignite your sense of wonder and curiosity, encouraging you to break free from limitations and embrace a childlike sense of joy. Through play, you will rediscover your natural talents, nurture your creative spirit, and unlock new pathways for self-expression.

Confidence-building is at the core of our retreat experience. Our expert facilitators will guide you through transformative workshops and exercises designed to boost self-esteem, enhance self-belief, and ignite your inner confidence. You will learn tools and techniques to embrace vulnerability, overcome self-doubt, and step into your personal power with authenticity and grace.

As the retreat reaches its culmination, a captivating photoshoot awaits, where you will be transformed into a living work of art. With the help of skilled professionals, your inner beauty, passion, and uniqueness will be captured through the lens, allowing you to witness your transformation and embrace the artistry that lies within you. This photoshoot serves as a powerful reminder of your journey, celebrating your newfound confidence, creativity, and self-expression.

Join us on this extraordinary retreat, where storytelling, play, and self-exploration converge to unlock the depths of your being. Discover your passions, purpose, and creativity as you embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery. Embrace your true essence, cultivate unwavering confidence, and allow yourself to be transformed into a living work of art through our captivating photoshoot. Experience the magic that unfolds when you unleash your inner artist and embrace the limitless possibilities that await you.

What does Be Seen focus on?

  • Storytelling

  • Play

  • Building confidence and self-esteem

  • Finding and expressing your inner beauty

Heal Me

Heal Me is a sanctuary of nurturing and pampering that offers a holistic approach to connecting mind, body, soul, nature, and all your senses. Our retreat is designed to provide you with a transformative healing experience, restoring balance, rejuvenating your spirit, and promoting overall well-being.

Immerse yourself in a world of tranquility as you embark on a journey of self-care and self-discovery. Our dedicated team of professionals is committed to providing you with an array of nurturing treatments and therapies that cater to your specific needs and preferences. Experience the blissful touch of professional massages, tailored to release tension, ease muscular discomfort, and promote deep relaxation.

We believe in the power of integration and synergy, bringing together various healing modalities to create a comprehensive experience. Through a combination of soothing massages, rejuvenating facials, and other therapeutic treatments, we aim to harmonize your body, mind, and soul. Our expert practitioners will guide you through mindfulness practices, breathwork, and meditation to deepen your connection with yourself and cultivate inner peace.

Nature plays a vital role in our healing retreat, providing a serene backdrop and an opportunity to reconnect with the natural world. Through guided nature walks, ecotherapy sessions, and outdoor activities, you will experience the restorative power of the environment. The sights, sounds, and scents of nature will awaken your senses, fostering a deep sense of grounding and connection.

Indulge your senses through a variety of sensory experiences tailored to heighten your awareness and relaxation. Delight in aromatherapy sessions that harness the therapeutic properties of essential oils, allowing you to breathe in tranquility and serenity. Savor delectable, nourishing meals made with locally sourced ingredients, stimulating your taste buds and promoting a sense of vitality and well-being.

At our healing retreat, we understand the importance of creating a nurturing and supportive community. Engage in meaningful conversations, connect with like-minded individuals, and share in the collective energy of healing and growth. Our retreat fosters a safe and inclusive space where you can feel seen, heard, and supported on your healing journey.

Leave our retreat feeling rejuvenated, restored, and equipped with tools for ongoing self-care and well-being. Our aim is to provide you with a transformative healing experience that goes beyond your time at the retreat, empowering you to continue nurturing your mind, body, and soul in your everyday life.

Join us on this healing retreat where nurturing, pampering, and holistic integration await you. Reconnect with your inner essence, find solace in the healing power of touch, and embrace the beauty of nature. Allow yourself to be enveloped in a nurturing environment that supports your healing journey and promotes a deep sense of well-being.

What does Heal Me focus on?

  • Relaxation

  • Massages

  • Aromatherapy

  • Healthy and hearty meals

  • Connecting with nature